In this course you will learn easy steps to declutter your child's toys in a few simple steps.

Explore the benefits of how fewer toys will enhance your child's life and your own.

What You Will Learn:

  • How to get rid of toys without guilt
  • Ways to organize and find a home for all your kids toys
  • Learn how to identify close-ended toys vs open-ended toys
  • How to handle family members/friends who gift too many toys
  • The science and benefits of minimal toys for you and your child
  • And so much more!

Hello, I'm Maria

I am a mom of 3 little ones, work full-time outside the home as a nurse and have a very full plate when it comes to providing for my family. Over the years, I have learned ways to simplify and live each day with ease and flow.

Minimalizing our children's toys has played such a major part in this. Not only have I witnessed my children thrive with fewer toys. I, myself have found so much freedom in my motherhood from minimizing the clutter in our home and creating a home and lifestyle we love.

My mission is to help you do the same!

Motherhood does not have to be so hard. Let's start with filtering through your child's toys to create more space in your home and live an intentional life filled with joy and peace instead of clutter, overwhelm, and stress.